

European travelers in the Great Lakes region of Africa (Uganda and Rwanda) during the 19th century reported cases of surgery in the kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara. One observer noted a "surgical skill which had reached a high standard". Caesarean sections were performed on a regular basis with the use of antiseptics,
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The Aksumites produced coins around 270 CE, under the rule of King Endubis. Aksumite coins were issued in gold, silver, and bronze. Anthropologist Peter Schmidt discovered through the communication
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Megalithic "pillar sites," known as "namoratunga," date to as early as 5,000 years ago and can be found surrounding Lake Turkana in Kenya.Although somewhat controversial today, initial
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Technology in Malawi

Malawi's first science and technology policy from 1991 was revised in 2002. Despite being approved, the 2002 policy has not been fully implemented, largely due to the lack of an implementation plan and an unco-ordinated approach to STI. This policy has been under revision in
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Bao is a traditional mancala board game played in most of East Africa including Kenya, Tanzania, Comoros, Malawi, as well as some areas of DR Congo and Burundi. It
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Poetry & Drama

This lesson is a continuation of the previous one. You will remember that I classified the poems in Amateshe’s anthology into three i.e. poems on social life, on economy and on politics. We have already discussed poems on social life. In this lesson, we shall
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